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B&M Secure Shredding donate 10% of Home Shred sales

Claire House Home Shred cheque presentationB&M Secure Shredding offer a home based confidential shredding service to individuals across Wirral and the surrounding area. For two years now 10% of all sales have been generously donated to Claire House Children’s Hospice who have a long standing relationship with Bagnall and Morris.

Paul Curtis, Director at B&M Secure Shredding, said “Claire House Children’s Hospice is a very special charity which we are proud to support through our Home Shred service. The work that they do is invaluable. We would like to thank all the Wirral residents who have taken up the Home Shred service. By doing so they have secured their personal confidential information from falling in to the wrong hands and done something positive for a very worthy local charity.”

Jess Campbell, Corporate Fundraiser, said “It’s great to work with B&M Secure Shredding as it is run by a lovely family who do an awful lot for Claire House. We thank them and their customers for this generous donation.”

The Home Shred service allows residents to collate bills and other confidential documentation, store in a secure paper bag and drop off to B&M Secure Shredding in Bromborough where the items are shredded to BS EN15713 standards, and 100% recycled. This gives individuals peace of mind that their personal information will not fall into the wrong hands.

To find out more about B&M Secure Shredding and the Home Shred service click here.

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