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Staff encouraged to ‘Have a break and Have a Kit Kat’ as part of H&S Training

every day a safe day coasterB&M Waste Services are today relaunching their highly successful health and safety campaign – Every Day a Safe Day to all staff across their sites.

Waste management involves lots of movement of large vehicles and equipment both on-site at waste management companies, out on the highways, and in customers’ premises. Additionally when we process the waste back at our depot, and even when working in our offices, staff at B&M Waste Services need to be aware of the health and safety risks and company expectations

Every day a safe day kit kat and flyerAll staff are being encouraged to ‘Have a break, have a Kit Kat’ and will receive a coaster for their ‘brew’, to be placed on their desk/coffee table, which reminds them of the importance of ‘Every Day being a Safe Day’. They’re being asked to spend five minutes digesting not only their Kit Kat but also an outline health and safety flyer which encourages putting health and safety at the forefront of their minds when at work.

In addition to a highly comprehensive induction and ongoing training and monitoring, recently all staff from driver to Director has taken part in a Behavioural Safety workshop, encouraging them to keep eyes and ears open, report anything that may potentially cause harm, not take unnecessary risk, and most importantly not to ‘be a sheep’

Eddy Geeleher, H&S Director at B&M Waste Services said “We are proud of our commitment to health and safety in everything we do. We are even prouder of our staff and our incredibly low rates of incidents. This is down to our staff being health & safety aware to make ‘Every Day a Safe Day’. As a family run business, our ethos is one that cares, and this is reflected throughout our culture of looking after our staff and customers. We are Carbon Neutral, have won customer service awards, and obtained a Every day a safe day reading flyerH&S accreditation with ROSPA in 2016 as well as our OHSAS 18001 standard, all of which assures our customers and staff that we prioritise their welfare as number one.”

Ann McMurrie, EQHSC Manager at B&M Waste “We encourage staff to talk to us, as over 200 pairs of eyes and ears are better than just those of my H&S team. Today may seem like a ‘bit of fun’, but we know that engaging our staff makes them think, and keeps H&S prominent in their working day. We urge other businesses to follow suit and make H&S an integral part of their every day working life.”

B&M’s ‘Every day a Safe Day’ health and safety campaign re-iterates the importance they put on stringent health and safety operations. For any business owner or facilities manager looking to safeguard their staff, visitors and customers by working with a waste management company with excellent expertise and time-served accreditations, you can contact B&M through their website or by calling 0808 100 2434

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