Secure Shredding.

On-site or off-site, we offer businesses a confidential shredding service that is compliant and 100% recyclable.


Our secure shredding service helps businesses to comply with legislation and protects against damaging data breaches.

Businesses handle lots of sensitive information such as customer data, financial reports, receipts or employee records. We provide a professional, confidential shredding service to meet your specific needs.

We are a registered principal member of the British Security Industry Association (BSIA), accredited to ISO 9001 and the BS EN 15713 standard, which covers the secure destruction of confidential material, and we are the only business in our sector to be Carbon Neutral Plus accredited.

All our operatives are vetted in accordance with BS7858, the UK standard for vetting of people employed in the security sector. After each shredding, we provide a Certificate of Destruction so that you have proof of secure data destruction and complete peace of mind.

Secure On-Site Or Off-Site Shredding Service.

We can either securely transport the waste to our depot for shredding or bring our mobile shredding unit to your site, where your company representatives may witness the process.

We offer lockable, 120 litre security consoles, 240 and 770 litre containers, shredding sacks and we can even offer a bulk clearance for immediate destruction.

Our shredding facility can handle a wide variety of items, including legal documents, financial and medical records, receipts and tax records and also non-paper materials for destruction such as metals, plastic, fabric, food and liquids. Our service is a cost-effective and trusted alternative to shredding in-house.

Helping Our Customers With GDPR Compliancy.

We can provide a professional shredding service to meet your individual needs. Whether you want regular on-site shredding, off-site shredding or a one-off service, we will save you time and money. Once processed, all shredded paper is 100% recycled, supporting your company’s recycling efforts. We provide a Certificate of Destruction after each load and will send you detailed reports for your company records.

Find Out How We Can Help Your Business.

Get a quote today.


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Carbon Neutral

We create tailored yet simplistic waste strategies for our customers to reduce waste and increase recycling.


We help our customers to save space, money and carbon by introducing technology and/or best working practices.


We are recognised as leaders in our industry, winning awards for both ourselves and our customers.

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